Top Tips for Training organisation
- Turbo sessions are great for when you don’t have much time. You can get a really good quality session out in 45 – 60minutes.
- If you have to train early or late (when it’s dark) make sure you were bright clothes when you are running/riding and have lights on your bike.
- Plan your training so you can organise your week. Team Dillon coaches set weekly training programmes which can help you with this. Go to our coaching page for more information
- See if you can run or ride to work, this could count as one of your sessions.

- If you know you get tired after a long day at work, do your quality sessions in the morning.
- Take a rest day. This can be a day where you can catch up on admin, chores ect so everything doesn’t build up.
- Communicate with your coach if you find you can’t fit everything in. They will work with you to enable you to maximise your time.
- Less is more. If you have to miss the easy miles, it’s not the end of the world.
- Perhaps see if you can go for a run in your lunch break at work (as long as you can still fit in some food!)
- Make sure you still fuel properly when you have a busy schedule. This will help to sustain your energy levels and enable you to train well the next day. Sometimes when we are too busy, we forget to refuel and recover! If it helps, plan you meals.